Nicola Beard - SoleDynamicsUK

Nicola Beard iTEC Dip. Sports Massage​, iTEC Dip. Reflexology, MAR

Nicola Beard iTEC Dip. Sports Massage​, iTEC Dip. Reflexology, MAR

Exercise Demonstrations

These exercises are just a part of The Recovery Strategy, and will help you identify how functional your feet are currently.

They will help reconnect your brain to your feet and improve your foot strength.

Ensure you are doing The Ball Release and wearing your Toe Correctors BEFORE trying to strengthen your feet.

Have a go at The Big Toe Lift and The 4 Toe Lift

Keep practicing, they are not easy.

The Big Toe Lift

Watch Points:

  • Use a mirror or take a video - because it is easy to rock on to the outside of your foot

How to make it simpler:

  • Sitting down can make this easier
  • Use your hand to hold the other toes down - this reminds your muscles what they should be doing
  • Concentrate on one foot then the other - the brain has less to think about

The 4 Toe Lift

Watch Points:

  • Use a mirror or take a video - because it is easy to rock on to the inside of your foot

How to make it simpler:

  • Sitting down can make this easier
  • Use your hand to hold the other toes down - this reminds your muscles what they should be doing
  • Concentrate on one foot then the other - the brain has less to think about

Come Back Again For The Rocker and Short Foot

The Rocker

Short Foot